Podcast Episode 012 entitled the Essential of Grace in Discipleship is now available. What is a four fold definition of grace? From where did grace originate? In what ways does grace transform the believer? How can the beliver grow in grace? Listen to this episode to get the answers to these and other questions. We appreciate you leaving some feedback on our podcast episodes.
Just returned from a weekend retreat
I just returned from a weekend church retreat. I went with about 50 people from a local church. I traveled about 90 kilometers to the west of Kyiv to a retreat center. I had a refreshing time personally with the Lord and building relationships with other believers. The church is praying about hosting a discipleship class in the fall semester. The highlight of the weekend was the water baptism of three new believers. I would like to say thanks to all those who allow me to participate in what God is doing in this part of the world. Please pray for this church relationship to continue and to bear fruit.
Podcast Episode 10 is Available
We just uploaded podcast episode number 10. In this episode we perform our first interview on the show with Dale Losch, president of Crossworld. You will be blessed with the stories and practical advice about discipleship. You will also be blessed by the worship music recorded by my daughter, Karyn. The episode can be downloaded through this website or subscribe through iTunes, Stitcher, SoundCloud and other platforms on the internet. We appreciate feedback.
Take the 30 Day Challenge during September
I have produced a 30 day challenge for those who seriously want to be disicples. Will you spend 30 minutes for 30 days during September praying, reading the Word of God, watching inspiring videos, writing down personal application lessons and developing obedience to Christ? Take my 30 day challenge on the website http://www.disciplemakingministries.org/30-day-challenge/
Two new discipleship video resources added
Two videos were added to our disicpleship video resource page. One is a conversation between Francis Chan and David Platt on authentic disciples making other disciples. Another is a sermon by Francis Chan on discipleship. Jesus said "follow Me and I will make you fishers of men." How are we responding to this call? http://www.disciplemakingministries.org/videos
Podcast Episode 009 is Available
We just published podcast episode 9. In this episode we discuss the essential of being intentional in making disciples. It is probably no secret that many believers and churches have drifted away from Jesus and are producing little spiritual fruit and having little impact for the kingdom of God. So, in this episode we are trying to correct this problem. We invite you to listen and see if you might be a drifter. We invite yo to learn and apply some advice on being more intentional as a disciple makers. We are working on having a guest speak for next week. So, stay tuned. God has more good things in store for this show!
New Podcast Episode is Available
Today we uploaded another podcast episode for your listening pleasure. This episode centers on the essential of hope in disicple making. What is the difference between worldly and Biblical hope? From where can you obtain hope? In what things can you place your hope? In this episode we will answer these and other questions. We also share some special music on the topic of hope. Download the episodes at www.disciplemakingministries.org/podcasts
New Podcast Episode is Available
We invite you to download the newest episode of Disciple Making Ministries podcast show dedicated to discipleship. We are currently going through a series entitled "The Essentials of Making Disciples." This episode is dedicated to the essential of "love" in disicple making. To be effective in making disciples you must both possess and practically demonstrate godly love in your personal relationships. We pray these episodes will "completely furnish" (καταρτισμός) you for the work of the ministry to which you have been assigned by God (Ephesians 4:12). Why not start discipling your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, classmates this week?
Live Summer Saturday Hangouts Online
We are currently in the process of testing the live video streaming capabilities of Google Hangouts and how to incorporate video into our website. There may be several possibilities for using live video in the ministry. But, for now, we simply plan to schedule weekly "hang out" opportunities to get to know our audience. So, come "hang out" with us on Saturdays from (22:00-22:30 Ukraine Time) which translates into (14:00-14:30 Central Time USA). We would enjoy the visit.
Episode 005 "Essentials of Disciple Making - Prayer" Produced
Disciple Making Ministries Podcast Episode 005 entitled the "Essentials of Disciple Making - Prayer" was recently uploaded to our website, iTunes, Stitcher and SoundCloud. In this episode we discuss how Jesus used prayer in disciple making, some hindrances to answered prayer, and some practical advice for praying for your disciples. We ask that you share the news about our discipleship ministry and leave some positive reviews about our podcast discipleship show.
Disciple Making Ministries is networking at a pastors conference in Kyiv, Ukraine
This week Disciple Making Ministries has been attending a pastors conference in Kyiv, Ukraine. It has been a blessing to meet believers from Ukraine and South Korea. I was thinking to myself about the influence that this group could have if each person would disciple just three others to make disciples among their family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, classmates and local churches. Pray for us to make contacts that would result in multiplying disciple making movements internationally.
Excuse our technical difficulties with the podcast feed
Disciple Making Ministries is experiencing some technical difficulties with our podcast feed. We were making some changes to the website and made some mistakes that broke the links to both iTunes and Stitcher. At the same time we are having internet issues in our home location. So, please be patient with us as we sort out the problems. Episode 004 has already been scripted, recorded, edited and produced. Due to the technical difficulties, however, we were unable to upload the episode during the regularly scheduled day. After some hours of deleting episodes and uploading them again the problem may have been solved. We are doing everything possible to serve you to the best of our ability. Thanks again for your patience.
Share your ideas for future podcast topics and guests
Today I was praying about topics for future episodes of Disciple Making Ministries podcast. While reviewing discipleship seminar notes the Lord gave me about 30 questions that might be of interest to disciple makers. Since we here at Disciple Making Ministries value being interactive, relational, relevant, practical, transformational and reproducible I thought why not ask you (my audience) for additional topics or questions for future episodes. I invite you to participate by sending me your suggestions, topics, questions and ideas for guest speakers. Together we can help everyone grow to the unity of the faith and the fullness of spiritual maturity in Christ Jesus. Read my list then give your suggestions.
- What values does Disciple Making Ministries strive towards?
- How can today's churches avoid hindering disciple making movements?
- Whom should we invite into discipleship relationships with us?
- What spiritual disciplines should a disciple maker engage in?
- What are some ways that you can build relationships for evangelism and discipleship?
- What kind of bridges can you build into the lives of those around you?
- What are some natural Scriptural bridges that you can use in evangelism?
- How does a disciple makers' spiritual gifts influence disciple making efforts?
- Learn how to give a clear and concise presentation of the gospel and your personal testimony.
- What lessons should you teach a new born believer in Jesus?
- What is the power or water baptism for new believers?
- How can the compound names of God lay a foundation for discipleship?
- How can disciples more attentively listen to God?
- How can disciples develop more discernment?
- What are some tips for resolving conflict?
- What steps can we take to build a stronger Christian character?
- What role does faith play in starting a disciple making movement?
- Why is grace so essential for multiplying disciple?
- Why is identity in Christ absolutely necessary for disciple making?
- How does an understanding of kings and priests impact our ministry?
- What are the weapons of our spiritual warfare and how can we effectively use them?
- What common lies of Satan do believers often struggle with?
- What essential role does faith play in multiplying disciple making movements?
- What essential role does prayer play in multiplying disciple making movements?
- What are the mechanics of the body, soul, and spirit in transformation?
- How should we approach healing, miracles, tongues, prophecy, words of knowledge?
- How does a kingdom of God approach to life change our approach to ministry?
- How can you start and maintain accountability partnerships?
- How can a leader develop a vision for ministry?
- What character traits are necessary in leadership?
- What skills does a leader need to develop?
- How can you blend various styles of leadership into an effective team?
- What roles do spiritual grandparents or apostles play?
- What are some practical ways that you can evaluate your disciple making ministry?
For more information visit our website at www.disciplemakingministries.org.
Leave a positive review on iTunes, Stitcher, SoundCloud
You can play a vital role in helping us engage a larger audience by going to our pages on iTunes and Stitcher and writing a positive customer review. The more positive reviews that our podcast receives, the more exposure they receive to a wider audience. We would also appreciate you spreading the news about our website, resources, seminars and podcasts among your social networking connections. Together we can rapidly expand our spheres of influence to finish the disciple making movement that Jesus started and commissioned (Matthew 28:18-20.) For more information visit our website at www.disciplemakingministries.org. Thanks for your partnership!
First podcast episode was produce in June 2016
We are glad to announce that Disciple Making Ministries started recording, publishing and syndicating podcast episodes on three platforms: on our website, on iTunes and on Stitcher. Our goal for the podcast is to market and expand disciple making movements internationally by engaging, establishing, equipping and empowering others through sharing the lessons that we have learned about making disciples. We ask you to visit one of these platforms, to subscribe to our show and to give us favorable ratings and comments that help further promote Disciple Making Ministries through the internet platform. We look forward to sharing more love, lessons and life with you on future episodes.