“Our vision is to finish what Jesus started by engaging, establishing, equipping, and empowering followers to multiply disciple makers from their community to the ends of the earth.”

our passion

Disciple Making Ministries is passionate to see every believer personally making disciples of Jesus Christ. We encourage each follower to develop their own disciple making plan for their sphere of influence - in the home, in the local church, in the workplace, and in the community. We are committed to coach you through the process until a disciple making movement has been established. Consider joining us in this journey of faith of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.

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discipleship training seminars:

The ‘cornerstone’ of our ministry are discipleship training webinars and local seminars. These provide keys for unlocking spiritual development and for equipping followers both to start and maintain self-sustaining disciple making movements.

We provide a proven process and scriptural principles for successful outcomes. The online webinars can be attended from the comfort and convenience of your home. Local discipleship training seminars may require help with travel expenses. To book a discipleship training webinar or seminar contact us through this website.

disciple making mission trips:

Since launching the online part of this ministry, leaders from more than twenty-five countries have invited us to travel and train leaders for disciple making movements. Having hosted local discipleship training seminars in Ukraine, Kenya and India, now would love to expand this vision into other areas. But, we need your help! Consider praying, participating, and providing finances to realize the vision. Together we can accomplish more!

take action!

Perhaps you are thinking “I love this vision. But, how can I be involved?” There are a number of ways to advance this vision: 1. You can pray. We have found that successful ministry always starts with prayer! 2. You can give to facilitate online and in-person discipleship training seminars. One hundred percent of donations will be applied toward discipleship . 3. You can learn by booking an online discipleship training webinar and then put into practice principles learned. Before we can make a disciple we must first be a disciple. 4. You can join us on a short-term discipleship training mission abroad. Come see discipleship training in action. 5. You can assist in the development or translation of toolbox resources. 6. You can become a certified discipleship trainer for your area. 7. You can spread the word about Disciple Making Ministries. Let us know how what God is putting on your heart to do. For we must be doers of the Word and not merely hearers.

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