Many thanks to Pastor Sadiq Samuel who translated our document entitled “Ten Lessons for Growing Believer” into the Urdu language. Feel free to download and adapt these lessons to your disciple making ministry context. Pray for the Lord to use these lessons to bless many followers of Jesus among this language group.
New Documents Uploaded
The events of the past couple of years distracted me from developing the website. However, after a short pause I have returned. Today, I uploaded a few new documents to the “download page”. I uploaded an “Application and Affirmations”, “5 Lessons for New Believers”, “Discovery Bible Study Format”., “5 Levels of Obedience”, and “How to Develop Your Testimony” documents. I hope these resources advance your disicple making needs. You may give to the cause using this link:
Coming out of Lockdown
Like many throughout the world we at Disciple Making Ministries are starting the exit from lockdown due to the global pandemic. Even though we have been prevented from holding local gatherings and from traveling abroad to host discipleship training seminars, God has still been at work. He has given us opportunities to disciple pastors and church leadership online impacting lives online in places such as Ukraine, Rwanda, Nigeria, India and Pakistan. If you need prayer and equipping for your upcoming discipleship activities coming out of lockdown then consider scheduling an online session with us. This is easy and free. Simply click on the below link to schedule your first session.
Coming out of lockdown!
Schedule Online Discipleship Sessions
Dear Friend,
Disciple Making Ministries would like to announce the automation of the scheduling process for online discipleship training and coaching sessions. Now, from the convenience of your home you can both schedule and receive personalized one-on-one discipleship coaching. Simply visit the home page of our website and complete the scheduling form. For those who are unable to pay there you may request a discount coupon code making the sessions free. After you have finished scheduling online you will receive a confirmation email with a connect link. At the scheduled time simply click on that link that grants you access to the online video conferencing room. We are looking forward to sharing what God has revealed to us about making disciples. Remember to come prepared to the online meetings in prayer and with a notebook. For, we want to help you develop your own personalized discipleship training program for your particular context. See you soon online! - Grace and peace!
Founder of Disciple Making Ministries, David Spirek
"Seminar Notes for Level 1"
Disciple Making Ministries has uploaded our Discipleship Training "Seminar Notes for Level 1" to the resource page of this website. If you take our discipleship training seminar these are some of the topics that will be covered. The goal of Level 1 is to transition people from the unbeliever to new believer stage of their spiritual journey. Therefore, in this document we discuss topics related to evangelism. If you would like to financially support our having these and other materials translated into other languages then contact us.
Thanks for Supporting our Kenya Seminar!
I would like to thank those who prayed, provided, participated in Disciple Making Ministries' discipleship training conference in Kenya. The sacrifices you made worked together to encourage, establish and equip many followers of Jesus in Africa. Twenty four pastors and church leaders attended this conference. More than sixteen churches were represented. One person traveled all the way from Tanzania. Another traveled from the Maasai tribal area. During the past three days the Lord blessed with many opportunities to worship, fellowship, disciple, learn, network, encourage, share, give testimonies and pray together as the body of Christ. These Christian workers were strengthened in their faith and empowered to continue making disciples where God has placed them. Pray that the Lord would keep up this disciple making movement in Kenya and that He would multiply more movements into other countries such as India. These precious followers of Jesus Christ from Kenya send you their greetings!
Kenya Discipleship Training Seminar July 3-5, 2018
We are excited to report that this summer Disciple Making Ministries will host its first discipleship conference in Kenya, Africa. This three day intensive discipleship training seminar will be held Tuesday through Thursday (July 3 - 5) in the city of Kisii, Kenya. We have space for up to forty church leaders to attend. During the period of three days we will share a seven step process of developing disciple makers among families, communities, and churches. There will be opportunity for networking and fellowship. The conference is free to attend. But, generally speaking participants must find their own transportation and housing. To attend you must register through our website and be invited. If you are not able to attend please pray for the conference. Also, consider giving towards scholarships, purchasing Bibles ($8 USD each), used laptop computers for local pastors and humanitarian aid for orphan children. If you have questions about the conference or how you can help then contact me through this website.
Merry Christmas 2017
Disciple Making Ministries would like to wish disciple makers a very Merry Christmas remembering the first coming and anticipating the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God for the unspeakable gift of Jesus Christ that we have to share with others. We look forward to expanding His kingdom on earth as in heaven in 2018.
Sowing into Disicple Making Ministries
The beginning of autumn produces images of the end of the growing season. Outside the window where I am currently located is a large field of corn ripe unto harvest. The ears of corn are filled to the maximum and the tassels are brown indicating maturity. This year there is going to be a bountiful harvest. But, none of this would have happened if farmers did not sow bountifully in hope. The principle of sowing and reaping works not only in the natural but also in the spiritual world. If you sow bountifully in hope and faith then you will receive a multiplied harvest of thirty, sixty or a hundred times what was sown. But, if you sow sparingly into the kingdom of heaven because of some fear or insecurity then you will reap sparingly. Disciple Making Ministries is looking for people of faith to sow bountifully in order to reap a bountiful harvest. We have vision to finish what Jesus started by engaging, establishing, equipping and empowering followers of Jesus internationally to multiply disciple makers among their social networks. Pastors and church leaders from countries such as Ukraine, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Congo and Pakistan have personally invited us to come and train their people how to practically make disciples. We simply need supporters to sow financially into this vision. Hosting an intensive short-term discipleship training seminar in each location is going to cost about $1500. If you sow into this multiplying ministry of reproducing disciple makers internationally, then one hundred percent of your seed will go directly into travel and venue expenses. We have no paid staff, no administrative fees and no overhead. We simply want to obey the Great Commission mandate to make disciples of all nations... Please consider sowing bountifully into the kingdom to reap a multiplied eternal spiritual harvest.
Summer break
Disciple Making Ministries is currently on home ministry assignment. That means we are in traveling in the United States visiting and sharing missionary updates with family, friends and supporters and speaking in partnering churches in Texas, Louisiana, Colorado and Pennsylvania and places in between from the Rocky Mountains to the east coast. Therefore, since we are traveling, our online discipleship training seminars and podcast episodes have been temporarily placed on hold. We are hoping to resume limited online activity starting in September 2017. Full activity will resume in January 2018. If you are interested in an online discipleship training seminar in the fall or spring semesters then let us know. In our interactive meetings we will guide you through a practical approach on how to make disciples. Sign up online for the next discipleship training seminar.
Teaching in Dymir, Ukraine
Disciple Making Ministries had a great time making new friends in Dymir, Ukraine and sharing about how to more effectively blend their motivational gifts for building up the body of Christ through God's love. We pray for the Lord to bless these followers of Jesus as they witness His grace in this small town.
"7 Motivational Gifts from Romans 12"
Disciple Making Ministries recently uploaded a new document named "7 Motivational Gifts from Romans 12." This coffee table discipleship manual explains how God designed people, namely patterns of what motivates their thinking and behavior. Each motivational redemptive gift from Romans 12 (prophet, servant, teacher, exhorter, giver, ruler, mercy) has a potential to produce either a positive result for the redemptive purposes of God or a negative resutl for the destructive purposes of the enemy. Once the disciple maker has learned the system of seven motivations he will be able to discern what drives people, to discern the source for resolving conflicts and to build more balanced and effective teams for positive redemptive results. Discovering motivational gifts is essential for unlocking our fourth (youth) stage of discipleship training. For, effective leadership requires understanding and working with people. Please be patient edit this "rough draft" in coming weeks.
"Ten Basic Lessons for New Believers" in Russian
Disciple Making Ministries has had "Ten Basic Lessons for New Believers" translated into Russian. You can use this resource to start discipling new believers. You can use this resource in a new believers or newcomers class at church. The goal is to establish believers who are committed to Christ, committed to the cause of Christ, and committed to the body of Christ. This resource has foundational lessons on salvation, baptism, the Holy Spirit, Bible study, prayer, sharing your faith, church participation, unity, giving and spiritual gifts. Please download this document for free and start discipling someone this week!
"7 Daily Prayers for Disciple Makers" Added
Disciple Making Ministries has added a new resource entitled "7 Daily Prayers for Disciple Makers." We have discovered that daily prayer is essential for successful disciple making. The disciple maker needs daily prayers for spiritual protection, for enlightenment, for experiencing the love of God, for spiritual fruit bearing, for spiritual warfare, and for financial resources. We decided to share seven daily prayers together with memory verses on prayer that are powerful in the disciple makers' daily walk. Feel free to download and pray these prayers out loud every day for success in disciple making. If you tranlate these prayers into other languages then please share with our community.
Translating, printing and distributing resources
I would like to personally thank the pastors and church leaders from Africa who are taking initiative to participate in the vision of reproducing disciple making movements. This week another pastor from Kenya emailed explaining that he had translated one of our discipleship resources into the Kishwalili language. He personally printed and distributed 500 copies of this resource among his local social networks. Praise the Lord! Pray for these pastors and church leaders in partnering regions of Africa such as Kenya, Nigeria, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Benin, Liberia and Guinea. Please consider giving so that more discipleship resources can be translated, printed, distributed and used among the nations!