Disciple Making toolbox downloads:
Disciple Making Ministries spiritually resources disciple makers with practical, adaptable, reproducible discipleship materials for free download, print and distribution. You are given permission to use the below resources provided that you do not profit from them and do not alter the content and credit the author. The below resources may be updated without notice and may have mistakes. To speed the development or translation of these resources into other languages consider donating or volunteering. Together we can accomplish more!
application & affirmations:
Discipleship Seminar notes:
Prayer and scripture:
keys to level 1: Unborn phase
Basic Worldviews (English)
Bridge Building Techniques (English)
KEYs TO LEVEL 2: infant phase
Assurance of Salvation (English)
Power of Culture (English)
Power of Worship (English)
Power of Love (English)
Power of Faith (English)
KEYs TO LEVEL 3: child
Assignment Based Living (English)
Inductive Bible Study Methods
KEYs TO LEVEL 4: youth
Spiritual Disciplines 2 (English)
Setting Boundaries (English)
Identity in Christ (English)
Spiritual Gifts Intro (English)
Discovering Your Design (English)
KEYs TO LEVEL 5: adult
Spiritual Disciplines 3 (English)
Spirit, Soul, Body, Heart, Mind, Flesh
Training Spiritual Senses (English)
Spiritual Warfare 1 (English)
Leadership Development
KEYs TO LEVEL 6: parent
Spiritual Parenting (English)
Kingdom of God (English)
Royal Priesthood (English)
Spiritual Warfare 2 (English)
Destiny and Inheritance (English)
KEYs TO LEVEL 7: grandparent
Prayer Ministries (English)
Overseeing Leadership (English)
Spiritual Warfare 3 (English)
Evaluation and Adjustments (English)
Discover MOTIVATIONAL Design:
“strategic discipleship” resources:
Strategic Discipleship has given us permission to translate their materials into Russian language. We appreciate their hard work in producing these discipleship manuals: