Taught a Disciple Making Seminar at International Christian Assembly in June 2016

The Lord recently gave another opportunity to expand the disciple making movement of Jesus starting from Ukraine.  The International Christian Assembly church invited David to teach an intensive 2 day "Process and Principles of Disciple Making Seminar" to a group of key church leaders.  Their goal was for these believers to become more intentional and strategic in making disciples through the church.  David would like to thank both the pastor and leaders who attended for an opportunity to train, encourage and support their participation in Jesus' disciple making movement.  David would also like to thank supporters who partner in prayers, encouragement and financial support of this ministry!  Pray for God to guide and expand this movement from Ukraine to the ends of the earth.

Finished Disciple Making Seminar at Horizon of Life Church in May 2016

Disciple Making Ministries recently finished a three month Disciple Making Seminar at Horizon of Life Church in Kyiv.  About a third of those 15 who attended have already begun making their own disciples through small group ministries in the church.  We are excited to see God reproducing spiritual fruit through these young college and career nationals.  Pray for the Lord to continue to develop Disciple Making Ministries' outreach not only among churches in Ukraine but also to the entire world through the internet.  Pray for God to send us translators for providing disciple making materials and curriculum in multiple languages on this website.  Pray for God to finance the start of a podcast discipleship training ministry.  Pray also for God to provide a solid team to start a disciple makers church in Kyiv.  The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.  Pray for God to send laborers into the harvest!