register for a webinar:

"Survey" Online Disciple Making Webinar:  
Meetings = 1 online session
Duration = 2 hours
Date and Time = Negotiated
Price = Free

"Concise" Online Disciple Making Webinar:  

Meetings = 4 online sessions
Duration = 2 hours each session
Date and Time = Negotiated
Price = $10 USD

"Condensed" Online Disciple Making Webinar:
Meetings = 8 online sessions
Duration = 2 hours each session
Date and Time = Negotiated
Price = $25 USD  

"Classic" Online Disciple Making Webinar:  
Meetings = 12 online sessions
Duration = 2 hours each session
Date and Time = Negotiated
Price = $25 USD

In-Person Disciple Making Seminar:   
Date and Time = Negotiated
Duration = Negotiated
Price = Negotiated (Based upon travel and logistical expenses)

Scholarships may be Received and Distributed: 
Consider donating towards scholarships for others:

Have you ever noticed that believers are generally positive towards the Great Commission but few are making disciples of Jesus?  Why is this the case?  We believe there are two main reasons. First, true discipleship has not been modeled to them.  Second, they have not been trained to follow a process of making disciples. Disciple Making Ministries seeks to solve these problems. We model discipleship and train you how to implement a process of reproducing disciple makers.  Our discipleship training seminar has several formats.  The "classic webinar" meets once per week online over a period of twelve weeks.  The "condensed webinar" format meets online over a weekend (5 hours on Saturday and 5 hours on Sunday).  The "concise webinar" format meets online for two hours simply to provide a sample overview of the process. After completing these webinars we offer personalized online coaching to ensure success. In some cases we offer local discipleship training seminars at your location. However, local training seminars involve negotiated payments for travel and venue expenses. In some cases scholarships are provided. To start a dialogue register below!  Someone will contact you to schedule the first online meeting.

This year your donations have enabled us to host local discipleship training seminars both in Ukraine and Kenya. We are seeking donations to host a discipleship training conference in India next year. Please consider donating scholarships for these purposes.


online webinar registration form:

local seminar REGISTRATION FORm: